take a test

美 [teɪk ə test]英 [teɪk ə test]
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take a testtake a test
  1. Anyone who wants a driving licence has to take a test .


  2. This precludes the requirement for a student to travel away from home to take a test .


  3. You need it to take a test .


  4. She had to take a test .


  5. These New York children take a test at the age of four .


  6. For my special talent , I will go and take a test later .


  7. The pressure of having to take a test causes a lot of tension .


  8. I gotta take a test . I gotta take a test .


  9. And you have to take a test to get a driver 's license .


  10. So , when you take a test , you don 't accept information from others .


  11. If you are applying for a job , you might need to take a test .


  12. Take a test ; take the plunge .


  13. Oh , no , no. I-I don 't need to take a test .


  14. Having to take a test disturbs Richards , even though he is a good student .


  15. It may take a test drive after a week or two , but serious exploration will not begin for a couple of months .


  16. And then you take a test . There 're usually two tests , written test and road test that 's where you 're really driving .


  17. All residents have been asked to take a test , and strict measures have been put into place to curb the spread .


  18. A : In that class , we have to ( take a test every day / write a long paper / read lots of books ) .


  19. But , in turn thought that so far , can some who also give compared to take a test a more effective talented person to select the way ?


  20. Al : My boss asked me to take a test , so I 'm just boning up on some things I need to know .


  21. Did you ever sit down to take a test and discover that the person next to you mumbles his way through the whole thing .


  22. In order to determine which individual to hire , the applicants were asked to take a test of 12 questions by the manager of human resources department .


  23. The time for subjects to remember the words is five minutes . Then all the subjects take a test to write down the Chinese meanings of the words .


  24. At the beginning of the semester , both of the groups take a test . The data from the test shows that their productive vocabulary is at the same level .


  25. Serbians spill water behind their friends and family members who are preparing to take a test , face a job interview , or go on a trip .


  26. Sixty years ago on Feb. 6 , 1954 , slightly more than 1,000 people sat down in 100 different places around the world to take a test for the very first time .


  27. But they also have many deficiencies , mainly manifests in cannot realize the personalization to practice and to take a test effectively , takes a test has not manifested the hierarchical .


  28. We all have to take a test on the first day at Leonardo da Vinci , in order to be placed in the proper level of Italian class for our abilities .


  29. For a fresh clue about whether Ford has left its bad old days in the dust , take a test drive in the 2011 Ford Focus and be prepared for a pleasant surprise .


  30. The time passes really quickly , a semester has passed , military training one month , has attended class for one month , has isolated for one month , is going to take a test for one month .
